
Sunset Peak Trail - California

I think this was first time I tried more than 1,000 ft elevation gain. I wanted to try Mt. San Antonio, but I need experience step by step... also I was sick 1 week ago. Sunset peak is good try for me.

We started 8:20am, sun already up, but the trail was north side the mountain. We were comfortable to hike in the shade. The view was wonderful when we climb up.

I am not sure moving time, because there is bad signal, so my GPS and application doesn't work...
Usually I use "AllTrails", so I don't lose the way.

Date: 10/21/18
Parking: Street parking
Distance: 7.3 miles
Elevation Gain: 1,272 ft
Moving time: 2:30

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Mt. Baldy と Mt. Wilson

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